Race #7 in the Chicago Cross Cup series brought us to the land of Northbrook. I was a bit hesitant going into this race given all the restrictions (don't ride on the grass, watch out for the shitzu, etc). That said the course was well thought out and quite fun, despite the non existent handling skills of yours truly. Our man Alex decided it was a good idea to not only ride out to Northbrook but mix it up with the Master's 30+ and then throw down in the 4A's.
Alex Tweedie, doing it man style! Gregor and Chris finished strong at 20 and 23rd in the 4A's.
The 4B's were as expected packed to the gills and full of first lap craziness. Luckily we have both 4B killers Austin and Dave who scored major placings for our little start up team finishing 1 and 2. Nice job boys, nice job! After another not so great start I managed to eek out a 22nd placing which given the wheel wash outs on the back side of the course and my 'minor' sand trap mishap on the last lap wasn't too terrible. Thankfully there was enough wide open area for me to make up some placings on folks. Both Jim and Moshe again threw down and came out looking good although the best line of the day comes from Moshe; during warm up and on a mountain bike I hear "I have gears!!!". It should be noted that Moshe has been out there all season with one gear and still killing it.
I have to give a shout out to Brian Conant of BCS coaching for taking me on and teaching me the ways of the cross force.
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5 years ago
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