Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Indian Lakes

I'll let others write up race reports, as I'm still a little bitter about the assholes spectators who changed the course for the 4B's...but I did want to give a quick shout out to Debbie for swooping in and taking first place! Notice, I wasn't the only one who thought she deserved congrats. Also, an A+ for Austin, who rode a potentially-sabotaged, 20-PSI front tire the whole race and still got top 5! ... And did anyone else see Lance out there?!? I know Jim didn't, cause he was in front of him the whole time:


  1. what had caused that deflated tire was a nicely timed wire working its way into the tube. It seems fate was the saboteur this time, failed at that.

  2. i think that means it's time to leave the cross bike for cross! bring back that fixie!!
